Rosie I's question in Canada

Stay / Outdoor

Planning a trip to Canada in June. Any recommendations for places to visit around Vancouver and trails, camping tips or advice for the Garibaldi Prvincial Park?

If you like hiking, black tusk and panorama ridge in Garibaldi are great day hikes with bucket list views. Trails are well marked and generally well frequented. Some tenting locations.
Follow up from Rob, they are BIG full day hikes so plan accordingly or bring a tent. Elfin lakes is also incredible and has a cabin you can bunk in if you don’t have a tent. In June you may find all 3 still covered in snow. and I went up Elfin on July 1 last year and there was still 2 meters of snow. Be winter smart!
Thank you! that’s all really good help
Try go north of Vancouver Island!
The Grouse grind will get you going ! I believe the Canucks use it for training. Deep Cove is nice with the Baden Powell trail. So many trails on the way up to Whistler too. Brandywine falls, the Chief as mentioned already and honestly, there really are so many (having lived in Whis for 6 years I miss all the options on your "doorstep"