Dayana's question in Spain

Food / Attraction

Guys, I'm dying of boredom in Barcelona. Can anyone recommend a sample itinerary to do in 3 days in Valencia? I like gardens,bachata, beer, and art :) and is anyone around to hang out? Q tal mi gente, algunas recomendaciones para pasar 3 días en Valencia? Alguien de travelstoke está pot allá?

Hi Dayana, I ‘ve just seen your message. We could have meet but I’m in Colombia now since last Thrusday
No worries, have a great trip!
Thanks , enjoy Valencia
Hey Dayana, I mostly stayed w friends and did more house parties tho. But I suggest stay in the old Valencia, get an airbnb there. It’s just nice to walk around and get lost in the alleys. Go up the bell fry, see the famous market and of course, my favorite playground - the CAC complex, go inside… 
About bars and resto, not sure if the area is called Rusafa. They got some themed cafes and restos. Must hang out
Yes, there is a neighbourhood called Russafa with many cafes and restaurants, also the Carmen in the old town or during the summer people go to Malvarrosa and Cabanyal both near the beach
Thanks, went to Russafa on a Saturday night. Lots of cool bars