These Are Locals' favorite places to eat and hang out in Nantucket
Thirty miles off the coast of Cape Cod, you’ll come to find the charming little town of Nantucket. Think: wooden cottages, white picket fences, picturesque beaches, and an alluring downtown cobblestone-street all creating the island’s distinct charm. There’s no denying the fact that Nantucket has become increasingly popular within the last few years—and all with good reason. What was once a well-kept secret by locals and summer residents for decades, is now a booming summer destination with newcomers and tourists alike. The Atlantic waters that surround Nantucket dominates the cuisine scene, making it a foodie’s paradise. Although summer sees a burst of tourists, we’re breaking down the top spots to mingle among the locals on the “Grey Lady”.
Posted by Kristen Slizgi
27 countries - 42 spots