Catedral de Puebla
The architecture of the cathedral of Puebla is one of the most impressive in the capital located on street 16 of September and three east. The facade of the cathedral is not in front of the zocalo because the city was designed long before the cathedral created. The view is marvelous from any angle many details on each side like the pope shield on top of the facade is one of the last cathedrals that have this emblem. One of these details that the cathedral has is that one of its doors is called la Puerta del Perdón (Door of forgiveness), is open on essential occasions or celebrations if you pass through this door all your sins will be forgiven. Another detail is that the north tower is the only one that has bells, the most important the Campana Maria is the biggest and most important of all. Will find more details if visit and have a guide that tells more of those details. On the interior, are welcome to the altar of the Virgin del Perdón chapels on each side of the cathedral in the middle the high altar or Baldaquino in front is the chorus and the organs. The altar is 17.50 meters with a neoclassic style has an influence of ancient Roman Manuel Tolsa created it, the main image is dedicated to the Inmaculada Concepción 2 meters high and with a weight of 1 ton. The choir is composed with the design as if it were a horseshoe the main musical organ has the name of international were three nations worked to create and it is still functional. There is an altar that captivates with the color and the precision in the details the altar of the kings located in the back of the main altar represents the kings that became saints the elaboration and construction of this altar lasted six years. #religion #religious #free #catholicchurch #Catholic #cathedral #church
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