Cluny Museum - National Museum of the Middle Ages
With so many great museums in Paris, we had to prioritize. And to be honest, this one was a last day, last minute choice. But it turned out to be one of my favorites in the whole city and I’m so glad I didn’t miss it..
The Hotel Cluny is a magnificent structure and by itself worth the price of admission. It’s the former residential quarters of the abbey and was partially built over the ruins of a Roman bathhouse which can be viewed. The highlights of the collection include the poignant Medieval statuary, the famous “Lady and the Unicorn” tapestries and not surprisingly, breathtakingly crafted pieces of stained glass. This is a true gem of a museum!
Note: the museum was closed recently for renovations but it appears that it was scheduled to open back up just a couple of days ago (on July 14, 2018) You may want to verify its status before you head over.
Posted by Margaret Cantrell
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