Take a train ride into the outskirts. I find train rides enjoyable. Comparing train rides to airplanes, I find my journey via a train more memorable. The landscape seems to be more welcoming and interesting. There is more fun observing the passing scenery and fellow passengers rather than staring at my laptop, unlike sitting in a plane. I can still recall that train ride in winter we took from Nagoya on a whim. We did not have a defined destination, we just knew it was “one of the last few stops” as recommended from another hostel mate. We were told that it was a beautiful place. As we rode further north, the spare greenery morphed into a white plain. It started with the distant white mountain top and gradually swept to cover the entire field before my eyes. That was my first encounter with snow up close and personal. The beautiful scenery and the monotonous whirling sound from the wheels as the train rode along provided much comfort and sooth to my weary self then. That zen-like experience is something I still hold close to my heart. #train #trainlovers #trainjourneys #trainrides #nagoya #japan #winter
Posted by CatherineErica
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